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Statistics of Ornamental Fish

Statistical Data: some links

Here the most updated version of Statistics of Ornamental fish:

Notice that Indonesia become in 2022 the largest exporter, that Sri Lanka is one of the most growing exporters, that the USA is still the larges importer but the Unites Arabic Emirates (UAE) is one of the largest growing importers! Many things have changed since 2012 and our published diagram is old! Check your country in this link:


Comparison in growth of exporters: see link



Here a link about Statistical data at OEC

This page OEC contains the latest trade data of Ornamental Fish. In 2020, Ornamental Fish were the world’s 3110th most traded product, with a total trade of $330M. Between 2019 and 2020 the exports of Ornamental Fish decreased by -2.1%, from $337M to $330M. Trade in Ornamental Fish represent 0.002% of total world trade.


Here also an older link (now up to 2015) from “FactFish”

Ornamental fish, live, export value (US $) – for all countries