Ornamental Fish Exporters is like Yellow pages!
A website or a platform or directory listing with a locator of the exporters of ornamental fish, plants, invertebrates, marine livestock, koi, discus, goldfish, etc. which can be searched when you have obtained a login.
The serious (& real, existing, non-fraudulent) exporters of the world are listed with all their details & their specialities.
As exporter fill in the application. See above. As importer you can zoom in on the map and locate suppliers in each country…but you will need a login to get the details of the exporter!
We produced a VIDEO of 5 minutes that explains how our website works: here a link to OUR VIDEO EXPLAINING THE FUNCTION OF OUR WEBSITE
This platform is managed by Dr. Gerald Bassleer, consultant for the aquarium industry, with 45+ years of experience. (www.bassleer.com)
This site is being developed by Joren Bassleer. Accounting is done by Angelique Bassleer-Gillhaus. We respect your privacy: see our policy.