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News from Countries that export fish & aquatic livestock

This info is permanently under development due to industry updates and your info is always already welcome!





The fish exported from Brazil are mostly wild Freshwater fish from the Amazon river but also some 10% interesting Marine Fish & invertebrates.

Brazil authorities had in the past a positive list of fish.

BUT now  May 1st, 2020 new regulation that respects a NEGATIVE LIST as published in a book= This is the book containing all fish species with some degree of threat in Brazil. It’s a hard work done by hundreds of researchers in several workshops over several years. The list of threatened species is reviewed from time to time and the next update is already underway.For the purpose of the new Normative Instruction regulating the use for ornamental purposes, the fish contained in this book are NOT ALLOWED (a list in alphabetical order of the species can be found in the index at the end of the book).
The species Leporacanthicus joselimai; Parancistrus nudiventris; Peckoltia compta; Peckoltia snethlageae; Scobinancistrus aureatus; Scobinancistrus pariolispos; and Teleocichla prionogenys, instead being listed on the Red List Book, ARE ALLOWED TO BE EXPORTED, in accordance with Ordinance No 130 of 27 APRIL 2018 (https://www.mma.gov.br/informma/item/14755-noticia-acom-2018-05-2982.html).

More info (like CITES): http://www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/portaria-n-3.853-de-20-de-agosto-de-2019-211681575?fbclid=IwAR1bNoU6t9WwUToeM5OtRhQf7ox5LDcA18VZC4QvPJXetcESabNIMn0UC8k

Currently the Hypancistrus zebra L46 is listed as CITES II and is illegal to catch and export from Brazil. Also restrictions excist on the export of freshwater Stingrays. See our report on CITES in Laws & Regulations.  Latest news (May 2017) of fish that are NOW also allowed for export :
Scobinancistrus aureatus L014,         Peckoltia compta L134,
Parancistrus nudiventris L031,           Peckoltia sneathlageae L141,
Scobinancistrus pariolispos L048,      L133,
L253,                                                  Leporacanthicus joselimai L264
Teleocichla prionogenys

Most freshwater fish are exported from the cities Manaus, Belem, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

Manaus is known for export of Cardinal tetra, Rummynose, other Tetras, Corydoras, Discus, Angelfish, some Loricaridae or other cat fish.

Belem has also a large variety of Amazon fish but is more specialized in the Loricaridae

Sao Paulo has good airport connections and can therefore offer a large variety of Brasilian fish to most parts of the world.

Hereby a nice short video as introduction on the Wild Fish from Brazil made for Project Piaba= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qcgWkr-33k

See also a  short introduction film ‘Sustainable Fish collecting in the Amazon”  by expert Cameraman Don McConnell= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nbUl_FCbLM&t=26s

We= Bassleer Biofish is proud sponsor for Sustainable collection of Amazon fish= it has a socio-economic benefit for the local people(fisherman en woman, piaberos) SEE OUR SHORT FILM, we look for more sponsors= Collecting of wild fish in the Amazon region

Project Piaba is a non-governemental project to promote the sustainable collecting of aquarium fish in the Amazon with eco-social benifit for nature & mankind.

For more info on this project see www.projectpiaba.org


The fish from Burundi are collected in Lake Tanganyika but also tank raised & pond raised nearby the lake.

The fish exports consists of nearly 95% Cichlids



Cameroon has a special variety of West-African fish, mostly from rivers. There all wild collected

It has been known to supply a large variety of Cichlids (mostly Pelvicachromis), Killifish, some catfish, Polypterus, Tetraodon puffer, aquatic plants etc.

Due to lack of good infrastructure the exporter needs several weeks to organize and prepare the shipment.


China has the longest history of breeding goldfish.

A large variety of common and fancy goldfish are available, including Show Oranda, Lionhead,  Koi  carp, etc.

They have also in the south an interesting variety of wild fish.

As many Asian countries, also China is breeding a large variety of fish like Discus, Cichlids, Tetras, Barbs, Catfish, shrimps, dwarf frogs, etc.

Most of the fish are supplied for the very large local market.

Currently they are still (since many years) one of the major suppliers of the common Neon tetra.


Congo supplies wild fish from rivers and some small lakes (here no fish from Lake Tanganyika). Only wild fish are available and therefore shipment preparations need more time.

Some of the fish can become very large and have therefore large interest for the Asian market and the public aquaria.

Only a few exporters are active since it is political, technical and financial difficult to run an export facility.

The most common fish available are Synodontis and other catfish, Polypterus, Congo Tetras, Distichodus, Tiger fish, River Cichlids,  Mormyrids, Puffer Tetraodon, etc.

Hereby a short video on Collecting Wild Fish in Congo= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hvd7Ra7Y-k

Fish Diversity of Low Congo River by fish expert Dr. Melanie L. J. Stiassny, Axelrod Research Curator of Fishes, American Museum of Natural History  explains = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKK881p0KzU


Colombia can supply a large variety (400+?) of wild freshwater fish from the Orinoco and Rio Negro river system.

All kind of Tetra, Catfish, Cichlids, Stingray, Arowana, etc. are available.

Hereby sponsored video’s from Teds’ Fishroom (Ted Jude USA) on YouTube about Aquarium Fish in Colombia

Video 1 with Overview of Wild Fish from Colombia =https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlLa24qg_jE

Video 2 with a visit to the Llanos collecting area & great underwater filming= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jyMEYXWbs0

Video 3 with breeding farm of Wild Fish including Altum Angelfish = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSlmB3sLbgw

Video 4 with export facility & their way of working, packing, etc. = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CRYK_HFekU

Video 5  with Apistogramma alacrina and more fish in the river up-stream = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bFWBqeRLb4

Video 6 with a common collecting place: streams of Los LLanos with many common fish = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub301ekJWbM

All videos en more videos can be seen via this link=

Watch Other Episodes Here: Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3 | Ep. 4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10 | Ep. 11 | Ep. 12 | Ep. 13 | Ep. 14 | Ep. 15 | Ep. 16 | Ep. 17 | Ep. 18 | Ep. 19 | more to come

Czech Republic

Czech Republic has 40+ years’ experience in breeding fish, mostly done by small home breeders.

So most of the fish are tank raised: Apistogramma, Angel fish, Tetras, Gouramis, Killies, Rainbowfish, Barbs,Catfish, African Cichlids, aquatic amphibians & invertebrates, etc.

Several exporters collect the fish and ship them by air or truck.

In the recent years the Czech exporters also combine their stock with fish imported (wild & tank raised) from other countries.



From Denmark you can order high quality plants.

There are a few fish breeders but they supply mostly the local and West-European market.




From Fiji you can obtain a large variety of wild collected marine fish and invertebrates!

But in 2018: Ban of export of Live Corals & Live Rock= see the publication





Hawaï marine fish are wellknown for its Yellow Tang = Zebrasoma flavescens, Flame angel= Centropyge loricula, Acanthurus achilles and many others

But recently severe restrictions have been imposed on the export= for more details read following publications:

28th October 2017= No permits for Fishing in Hawai= https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2017/10/28/breaking-hawaiis-aquarium-fishery-closed-permits-invalidated/

5th September 2017 = Ban on aquarium fishery=https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2017/09/07/hawaii-supreme-court-ruling-halts-aquarium-fishery/

5th January 2018= https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2018/01/05/hawaiis-dlnr-tightens-loopholes-in-aquarium-fishing-ban/

10 April 2018 = Aquarium industry has NO significant impact on fish = http://www.westhawaiitoday.com/2018/04/10/hawaii-news/draft-ea-finds-no-significant-impact-to-aquarium-fishing-resumption/

21st April 2018= Ban on collecting live ornamental fish: https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2018/04/20/hawaii-bans-amateur-collection-of-live-marine-fishes/

 Here more info



India can supply a large variety of wild freshwater fish & shrimp but also tank & pond raised fish.

The exporters are located in several large cities and some have their specialties.

From India you can get different loaches, barbs, shrimps, gourami and many others.

Currently many wholesalers are specialized in supplying the local pet shops since there is a large, fast growing local market.


Indonesia is known for its export of marine fish & invertebrates.
Since Indonesia has many islands and surrounded by the ocean it has a great potential to supply a large variety!
The farming of corals is now done at a professional scale.
During the last decennia the breeding of freshwater fish is gaining a large % of the export.
Not only wild fish such as Clown loach or shrimp but  the breeding of uncommon fish, that are normally available as wild fish, is becoming important.

Interesting video from SAIA of good sustainable collecting (non-destructive) of Marine Fish = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVWhwbb9h2I


Breeding of fish, freshwater, marine, goldfish and koi has been well developed in the recent decennia.



The fish exported from Japan are mostly the famous Koi carp.

Also few varieties of goldfish and fancy goldfish are available.



Kenya is specialized in the export of marine fish and invertebrates.

Currently we have no knowledge if freshwater fish are exported.

Hereby a video of Collecting marine fish with Mike Tuccinardi: see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2ix35cdvqE

Also a personal video by Kenya Marine Life in shallow “turbid” waters= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxKpUiFE_Ng

See here a video on YouTube about the nice Marine fish of Kenya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1oo2eYaYkE




Currently we are informed that (wild) marine fish and invertebrates are exported from  Madagascar.


Exports from Malawi are concentrated at lake Malawi and consists mostly of wild and tank raised Malawi Cichlids


Malaysia is known for its large farms for breeding freshwater fish.
Due to restrictions & fish health regulations the farming of goldfish and koi carp has become limited and many specialized in farming Asian Arowana.
Next to the breeding of the popular fish like Livebearers, Barb, Gourami, Tetras, Cichlids, etc. there is also large farming of Stingray, Blood parrots and Discus



Exports of ornamental fish, shrimps and plants are organized via export airport LAGOS! There are many good exporters but we recommend to check their credentials (soma have send $$$ and not receiving fish).

The speciality of Nigeria: Elephant Longnose, Rope eels, Atyopsis shrimp, Pantodon butterfly fish, Synodontis, Eutropiella, Arnoldichthys, Dwarf frogs, Malapterus electric cat,  and many more




Peru can offer a large variety (350?) of wild freshwater fish from the Amazon region.

Especially  a large variety of Catfish, but also Tetra, Knife fish, Cichlids, Stingray, etc.


The Philippines, with the many islands, have a long history of exporting wild marine fish and invertebrates.




Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is one of the fastest growing exporting country for ornamental fish.

Sri Lanka used to be known for its export of large variety of marine fish.

In the last decennia a lot of investment has been done in freshwater fish farms. Guppies were the most important in variety but now the variety of fish is growing fast with Cichlids, Tetras, Goldfish, etc.


Singapore is still the largest (nr. 1) exporter of fish in the world accounting for 18% of the worldwide export volume in 2017 and for 23% of the export volume to the EU.

It is strong due to many years of experience and knowledge, due to connections with many fish farms in all Asia, due to good airline connections.



Taiwan is exporting wild and tank raised marine fish, freshwater fish and many varieties of shrimp


Thailand is known for its export of a large variety of tank raised freshwater fish and plants, also for gold fish & cichlids.

Most of the popular Betta fighter fish originate from Thailand.




Vietnam is one of the new (in the last decennia) exporting countries with freshwater and marine fish & invertebrates.



